Claudia Moodoonuthi Photographer
Claudia’s endearing manner with others enables close-ups to be taken without any sign of invasion or inappropriateness. Many of Claudia’s pictures portray people in ‘real’ circumstance; no pretence.
Claudia’s endearing manner with others enables close-ups to be taken without any sign of invasion or inappropriateness. Many of Claudia’s pictures portray people in ‘real’ circumstance; no pretence.
A feeling for the close ties to country, families, tribe, language and remarkable history permeate her images. Bold colour and graphic detail are hallmarks of Claudia’s natural painting style. A style so greatly influenced by her Great Grandmother, May Moodoonuthi and May’s sister Sally Gabori.
Cars, the use of cars in indigenous communities and the ties they have to city life in combination with Claudia’s photography have culminated in her unique range of Automotive Art.